
The Church Bells

The bells were rehung on a cast iron frame by Gillett & Johnston in 1933 in memory of Lloyd Birkett, Rector from 1879 to 1931.

  Hz Ins CwtQrsLbs
1G1558.5Gillett & Johnston Croydon 1933 In memory F Evered CFJ (in a monogram) 1 473525.131933339
2F#1464.0Inscription as above. CFJ 473626.0019334014
3E1300.0Gillett & Johnston Croydon Pack & Chapman of London 1770 Recast Jan 1933 in mem Preb L.B. Birkett CFJ 473727.6319334120
4D1173.0The Revd Robt Hardy Minister Whicher Souter and Joseph Harfield, Church Wardens Thos. I Mears of London Fecit 179629.001796435
5C1038.5Cast by John Warner & Sons, London 1865 Omnis: Sonus: Laudet: Dominum Tthe Royal Arms) Patent31.50 1865    5313
6B974.0As above32.7518655326
7A876.5Gillett & Johnston Croydon Pack & Chapman of London Fecit 1770 (Crest reproduced in facsimile) 2 MDH Recast Jan 1933 in memory Preb L.B. Birkett36.5019339022
8G  779.5Pack & Chapman of London Fecit 1770 Crest RL39.881770  10  1  12

From Dove’s Guide. Source: H Wilkinson(WBF data); CB Susx(GPE); RW1933/229; TimJ(AAJB) Contributed by: Hugh Wilkinson


  1. For Cyril F. Johnstone
  2. A griffin’s head couped, charged on the breast with a portcullis within a garter, the whole is placed on the inner mantle and ensigned with an earl’s coronet. This crest is that of the Earl of Halifax and the initials are his. There is cast of the crest as it appeared on the original bell in the Tysson collection at Barbican House, Lewes.
  3. This crest, a pelican in her piety feeding her young, ensigned with an earl’s coronet, is that of the Lumley family, the initials representing Richard Lumley, 4th Earl of Scarborough (d.1782).

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