Fundraising for others

For the next 6 months we will be collecting donations of produce in the green
box at the rear of the church for local charity BEACON FOODBANK, HAVANT.

Christian Aid Week – runs in 2024 from Sunday 12 – Saturday 18 May.
Once again we will be delivering Christian Aid Envelopes throughout the
Parish, and now seek new volunteers to join the existing group.
Christian Aid will be our charity for May, with donations made using the
Christian Aid special envelopes or online direct to Christian Aid.

Our Home and Overseas Mission Group oversees and co-ordinates fund raising events for the benefit of charities both at home and overseas. Additionally the PCC allocates an additional sum based on 5% of our congregational giving for the year.

Here is a summary of what we were able to donate in 2023.

DATEEVENTCHARITYMonies sent to charity (£)
15/1/23Christingle etcChildren’s Society340
10/2/23Special collectionTurkey/Syria earthquake appeal250
3/2/23First Friday LunchThe Bible Society125
3/3/23First Friday LunchEmbrace the Middle East200
5/5/23First Friday LunchBeacon Food Bank120
13/06/23Coffee morningLeprosy Misson465
20/5/23Chilli SupperChristian Aid940
2/6/23First Friday Lunch
5/7/23Coffee morningChristian Aid334
7/7/23First Friday LunchLeprosy Misson145
1/9/23CollectionsChildren’s Society340
1/9/23First Friday LunchThe Bible Society145
6/10/23First Friday LunchThe Church Army135
3/11/23First Friday LunchThe Children’s Society140
20/11/23CollectionsRoyal British Legion479
1/12/23First Friday LunchStonepillow192
28/12/23Carols in the SquareStonepillow258
 Allocated from PCC fundsChristian Aid1,240
Bible Society620
Embrace the Middle East620
Leprosy Mission620
Church Army620
Children’s Society620
Chichester District Food Bank620
Food vouchers for local distribution620
TOTAL  10,808

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