Roof Appeal

The roof of the church on the north side is in urgent need of repair. The tiles are damaged, and our architect has said that to be safe we need to have the work done this year.

We are constrained by both money – it will cost £90,000 for the work – and bats: we need to take the greatest care not to disturb them and we have been advised that the best time to undertake the work will be in October this year.

We have about half the cost saved up and we need to raise the remainder as soon as we can. The Church is the only Grade 1 listed building in the village. We can recover the VAT, but otherwise we get no help for this work from central or local government or from the local or national church authorities.  It’s all down to us as a community to work to save the building.

We gratefully acknowledge the following donations and grants:

£8,000 from the Sussex Historic Churches Trust

£2,500 from The Benefact Trust.

£20,000 pledged by the Westbourne Church Restoration Trust.

£6,000 donated so far by private individuals.

Can you help?

Donate to the roof appeal

Your donation will be directed entirely towards to the cost of the roof repairs.

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