Our Vision

We are a traditional country parish church and have been for many centuries. We have a beautiful medieval building offering a peaceful space, open every day for everyone and an important place in which our community gathers for weddings, baptisms and funerals. We have robed clergy, choir and organist but we are not stuffy and our services include both the formal and the informal. We stand firmly at the centre of Anglican churchmanship and everyone is welcome. We have a rich and fascinating heritage: prayer and worship have been offered to God on this site for over seven hundred years.

As Westbourne grows and changes we aim to grow with it and to serve the community.

Our process for setting a path for the future is Mission Action Planning and it delivers a plan for delivery in 2023 which you will find here.

If you would like the see the details of the process by which we arrived at the delivery plan you will find it here.

And day-by-day:
We like to encourage church members to develop their faith by increasing their knowledge and understanding, and also to learn more about living as disciples of Jesus Christ. We offer seasonal courses, which often take place during Lent. Details will be provided in the What’s On section. There is a small library of books in the church which are free to borrow. We facilitate access to external resources such as those of the Bible Reading Fellowship which can be ordered through the church. We can also help with pointing people in the direction of other websites and books which may be useful.  

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