

Open Diapason8 Front pipes are 80% polished tin (remainder 52%)
Stopt Diapason8 Poplar
Dulciana8 52% tin, 1-12 from Stopt Diapason 8
Principal4 52% tin
Spitzflute4 20% tin
Fifteenth2 52% tin
CornetIII 12.15.17 from C13, 52% tin
MixtureIV 52% tin
Trumpet8 52% tin
Open Diapason8 from C13, 1-12 from Chimney Flute 8 with 4′ helpers
Chimney Flute8 1-12 of Poplar, 13–56  20% tin
Salicional8 from C13, 52% tin, 1-12 from Chimney Flute 8
Voix Celeste8 from C13, 52% tin
Principal4 52% tin
Flageolet2 52% tin
Larigot11/3 52% tin
SesquialteraIII 17.19.22 52% tin
Cremona16 52% tin
Hautboy8 52% tin
The swell box has two 2 sets of shutters, on the East and West sides, operated
by separate pedals
Sub Bass16 Poplar
Principal8 Poplar (open wood)
Choral Bass4 52% tin
Trombone16 1-10 zinc, 11-30 52% tin, wood boots

Swell to Great; Swell to Pedal; Great to Pedal
Manuals CC-g, 56 notes, with bone naturals and blackwood sharps Pedals  CCC-F, 30 notes, radiating and concave
Mechanical action and slider chests to manuals and pedals. Electric stop action.
Tuning: originally Valotti, modified in 2016 to Simon Brown’s ‘St Mary Le Bow’ temperament
Wind pressures: Great and Swell 73mm, Pedal 80mm.

Cymbelstern – added March 2006
6 pistons to each manual, Great and Swell, 4 composition pedals to Pedal 6 general thumb pistons, duplicated by toe pedals
Reversible thumb pistons to Sw/Gt, Sw/Ped & Gt/Ped Reversible toe pedals to Sw/Gt and Gt/Ped
Set and General Cancel Pistons
Memory selector and ‘scope’ control (piston programmer) by Solid State Logic

An account of the organ from the designer’s viewpoint by Kenneth Tickell is here.
Details of the previous organ are here.

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