Our services – further details


8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

A weekly quiet communion service, without hymns, taken from the Book of Common Prayer. Lasts about 35 minutes. It is dignified and includes two bible readings and a short reflection of 2-3 minutes. 

9.30 am Parish Communion

Our main Parish Communion service with the choir leading our singing. Hymns and songs are chosen from a range of Christian traditions and differing parts of the world; and are designed to fit well with the shape and themes of the service. Lasts about 1 hour 10 mins. It varies in mood between the celebratory and the gentler expressions of our faith. Prayers are offered for current needs and concerns. There are usually three bible readings; and a sermon is preached of around 8-14 minutes. Baptisms take place in this service up to once a month. Refreshments follow afterwards in the Parish Hall.

Second Sundays of the Month at 9.30am: ‘Worship for Everyone’  

A specially-designed act of worship each month, faithful to the values of the Church but less tightly-structured than the Parish Communion: the words used may be simpler and more emphasis may be placed on imagery or physical objects.   Prayers are often simpler, suited to younger worshippers. The service lasts 45-55 minutes. We hear one or two bible readings, and often other items such as spoken meditations or poems.   ‘Talks’, rather than Sermons, are around 10 minutes in length and may invite input from those in the congregation. Baptisms may take place in this service, too, two or three times each year. Refreshments follow afterwards in the Parish Hall.

Woodmancote Church at 11.15am 

Twice a month we worship at our delightful little church in the village of Woodmancote: one of the last few ‘tin tabernacle’ buildings in the Church of England.  Usually this is a sung service of Holy Communion. Around five times each year it is instead Morning Prayer with hymns. We have two readings and a sermon of up to ten minutes. The highlight of the year, here, remains the evening Carol Service in December, when the church is filled with seasonal worshippers.

Evening Services at 6pm in the Parish Church

Two to three times each month we offer evening worship which varies between simple Evening Prayer (30 minutes); full Choral Evensong (60 minutes); or our creative monthly ‘Specials’ (30-45 minutes), for which our five-part Music Group will play and worship materials might be drawn from Iona, Taize, The Northumbrian Community, or be entirely home-grown. Full details of our evening schedules are published in advance on this website and in our pew sheets.


8.30 am Morning Prayer lasting about 30 mins

Takes place daily on-line, via Zoom.   Led by a different person each day with around four others reading parts assigned to them. Usually once a week, with recorded sung music. Joining details sent each day by email to all those asking to be included on our distribution list.


10.30 am Holy Communion,  A quiet said communion service, with a short address and prayers. Traditional language is used on the 1st Wednesday of the month; modern language on the other weeks. Takes place in the chancel of the parish church, or in the north chapel. Just come along.

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